CEO & President
Prime Navigation Shipping and Services

We are proud to announce the launch of Prime Navigation Shipping and Services. It’s my honor to invite you to join our family, follow us and stay informed.

Having served at sea on ocean going vessels for over a decade, I made the decision to devote my life to studying weather patterns, ocean currents and how they each impact vessels and our daily lives.

Despite limited resources at the time, I was honored to be invited to join another globally respected company. I cannot begin to explain what an unexpected honor and pivotal point that membership played in my career. This opportunity allowed me to work alongside masters with over 50 years of experience, sharing my vision and accessing their unbiased work, which had earned these professionals a leading position in the global shipping industry.

Driven by this experience, I continued to expand my knowledge. After 15 years of demanding teamwork, I was permitted to participate actively, becoming an expert in speed claims damages and decision-making processes in High Courts and Arbitration awards.

Over the last 5 years, I have focused on the Greek Shipping Industry, addressing its severe shortages in weather and routing services. This paved the road for my team and I to launch Prime Navigation Shipping Services, a Greek company dedicated to supporting the shipping community.

Our vision is underlined by a solid work ethic that encompasses innovative approaches in the services we provide as well as legal matters, yachting and cruising services and vessel bunkering. Our team of experts in conjunction with Prime Watch, a unique weather monitoring tool, supports more than 100 companies by providing daily weather monitoring updates and reports.

And this is just the beginning of our network of ventures that aim to provide solutions to the Shipping Industry.

Join our family, stay informed and find the tools you need for your daily vessel operations. Follow our blog for updates on shipping, weather and route reports, free of charge!

Sincerely Yours,
Capt. Andreas D. Karamitsas
CEO & President